Hi! I’m Yi Ju!

I am a PhD student majoring in Systems Engineering at UC Berkeley. I am advised by Prof. Scott Moura, and am a proud member of Energy, Controls & Applications Lab (eCal). My research interests broadly lie in sustainable and intelligent energy systems, with applications in buildings, microgrids, transportation and other societal systems. My recent work focuses on electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, from both technical (controls) and social (incentives, equity) perspectives.

Prior to coming to Berkeley, I received my bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University. I also work closely with Prof. Marta Gonzalez (Berkeley), Prof. Jinhua Zhao (MIT), and Prof. Zhe Wang (HKUST), among many other extraordinary researchers.

You can find [my CV] (Oct 2024 updated).

I was born in Suzhou, China. In my spare time, I love reading, travel, and photography. I am also a beginning birder and a railway enthusiast.


Contact me

Feel free to reach out to me via juy16thu AT berkeley DOT edu, or schedule a 30 min online meeting with me.